Posture in Adolescents: When is it a problem?
How many times a day do you tell your child to sit up straight? My parents still tell me to “sit up” at the dinner table! But how do we know if it’s just a preference or a problem?
⭐️If your child is having pain or is becoming self-conscious, these are subjective reasons to seek physical therapy.
⭐️If your child does not have pain or isn’t self-conscious but they test positive for the objective measures below, I would recommend a physical therapy evaluation.
1️⃣Can they correct their posture when you tell them to?
2️⃣Can they hold a “superhuman” pose (see below)?
3️⃣Can they carry a backpack on both shoulders comfortably?
4️⃣Do their pants lie on their hips evenly or does one side seem higher than the other?
⭐️If your child does not have pain or isn’t self-conscious and they test negative for the objective measures above I would recommend postural exercises at home or with a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS).
1️⃣ Scapular Squeezes
Sit or stand with good posture. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and down. If there is pain, stop the exercise.
Complete 10 repetitions, 3 sets. Repeat 2x/day.
Take breaks as needed
2️⃣ Upper Trap Stretch
While sitting in a chair, hold the seat with one hand and place your other hand on your head to assist in bending your head to the side as shown.
Bend your head towards the opposite side of the hand that is holding the chair seat. You should feel a stretch to the side of your neck. If there is pain, stop the exercise.
Hold position for 30seconds, complete 3 sets. Repeat 2x/day. Take breaks as needed.
3️⃣ Pectoral Stretch
With towel roll along spine, bring arms up to shoulder level until you feel stretch across chest. Hold this position. If there is pain, stop the exercise.
Hold position for 30seconds, complete 3 sets. Repeat 2x/day. Take breaks as needed.
4️⃣ Superhero Holds
Lying on the floor with your arms straight overhead and legs extended, reaching up and lift all limbs off the floor. Tighten your core and your butt muscles. Hold this position. If there is pain, stop the exercise.
Hold position for 10seconds, complete 5 sets. Repeat 2x/day. Take breaks as needed.
Disclaimer: The information in this post should not replace your doctor’s opinion. Please consult your healthcare provider for treatment.