Schroth Therapy for Scoliosis

What is Schroth therapy?

Schroth Therapy is a conservative approach to treating Scoliosis and Scheuermann’s Kyphosis. Schroth is an excellent option for before or after surgery, or for those who surgery is not indicated for. We use specialized exercises to reduce pain, halt curve progression, improve pulmonary function, improve mobility and improve postural stability.

The Program

First I will complete a thorough analysis of the patient’s spine by analyzing X-Rays, taking measurements, and watching them complete functional tasks.

I then identify 2-3 Progressive Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) to teach the patient. These exercises should be completed by the patient at home. As the patient masters these exercises, I will teach them new PSSE as tolerated.

Patients may chose to complete a Schroth “Intensive”, attending therapy 1x/day, 5 days/week, for 2 weeks. Or patients may chose to complete a more typical program attending therapy 2-3x/week for 6-12 weeks.