Holiday shopping

Happy Thanksgiving! For all those who are getting ready to go holiday shopping, take a look at these milestone appropriate toys. 

I did not separate these toys by ages on purpose, just because you child is 2 years old doesn’t mean they are physically ready for certain toys. Children need developmentally appropriate toys, if your child has a developmental delay and cannot yet sit up, they may not enjoy or benefit from a toy that is used in standing positions even if that is what is recommended at their age. 

Floor Play Toys 

Light up toys and photo books attract attention while your child is playing in supine, prone, side-lying, or sitting positions. Black and white photo books are especially beneficial because newborns receive more visual stimulation leading to improved visual development early on. Toys in which the child pushes a button or pulls a string, teach cause and effect principles, plus they are fun! Stackable toys and jack in the box toys are also great options for floor play.

Pre-Walker or Early Walker Toys 

Push toys allow pre-walkers to walk with a little extra support. Toys that you can tug behind you, aka this adorable dog toy, encourages your little one to walk more and more - the more practice the better. Spread out puzzle pieces or building blocks and encourage your new or emerging walker to retrieve them during clean up time - this encourages the child to transition from floor to stand repeatedly which builds leg strength. Ball skills typically begin to develop around the same time as standing skills, providing balls to rolls, throw, or catch can help progress these skills. Finally, every kid I treat seems to love their pop toy - so I had to add this to the list as well.

All of these toys can be found on Amazon, click the links throughout this article. Disclaimer: I do not receive any kickback from purchases of these items.

Disclaimer: The information in this post is based on evidenced based research and professional opinion. This should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Please see your pediatrician or other healthcare provider.


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